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Vernā Myers


04 Apr 2017

TVMCU Featured Image
I was at my local Starbucks on E. Fort Avenue in the Federal Hill area of Baltimore when I heard that Howard Schultz was leaving his position as CEO. I thought, Schultz would be proud of this place. While not all the stores are like this one, I have to say, “my” Starbucks is the real deal  —  a welcoming, eclectic community, run by a diverse group of kind, positive, and competent barista...
16 Jan 2017

TVMCU Featured Image
Even though Dr. Martin Luther King would have been 88 this year and I am deeply into my golden decade, when I reflect on what he means to me, I still think of him through the eyes of an eight year old who found her Prince just as he was taken. April 4, 1968, the night before my eighth birthday, King was assassinated. The world shook, my household wept, the black community raged, the fire...
18 Nov 2016

If You Voted For Trump
By Vernā Myers. As a diversity and inclusion specialist who preaches the importance of understanding the perspectives of others, I started talking to a number of you who voted for President-elect Trump last week. Truthfully, I was humbled by Hillary Clinton’s defeat, and it kindled a curiosity in me about the nature of Trump’s supporters. Why would good people throw in with a man who ...
26 Oct 2016

American Election 2016
No matter where you turn, the news can be maddening. This election cycle has been the source of great distress for many: name-calling, taunts about a rigged system and media bias, constant Wiki-leaking, coded and outright declarations of racist and sexist ideologies, divisive language and targeting of immigrants and religious minorities. And this unreal circus is being conducted on a ver...
08 Jul 2016

Talk Boldly – Today We Have To Talk to Each Other
I know that many of us are feeling devastated by the police killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castille this week and now today the painful murders of the Dallas police officers gunned down at a peaceful protest. We had only begun to recover from the grief of those lost in Orlando weeks before or manage the anguish we feel as we see the death tolls reported on evening news every nig...
02 Jun 2016

JANET CHO, The Plain Dealer writes about Verna for the Business Section on May 27, 2016 CLEVELAND, Ohio — Diversity and inclusion consultant Verna Myers recently told the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association that she’s more than qualified to teach others to think about their unconscious biases, “because I’ve been dealing with diversity my whole life,” she said. “I’ve b...