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Vernā Myers


02 Jun 2016

JANET CHO, The Plain Dealer writes about Verna for the Business Section on May 27, 2016 CLEVELAND, Ohio — Diversity and inclusion consultant Verna Myers recently told the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association that she’s more than qualified to teach others to think about their unconscious biases, “because I’ve been dealing with diversity my whole life,” she said. “I’ve b...
08 Apr 2016

Sharing big ideas
Big Ideas with Vernā Myers Learning how to move diversity forward By Laurie D. Borman | April 8, 2016 Vernā Myers, an African American woman who grew up in a Baltimore working class family, graduated from Harvard Law School, and became an entrepreneur, author, and cultural innovator. For the last 20 years, she’s been working to help eradicate barriers of race, gender, ethnicity, and s...
17 Mar 2016

Bias-proofing the justice system

In this 10-minute training video designed to increase more awareness of implicit bias in the courtroom and provide positive steps to bias-proof our justice system, Vernā encourages judges to “slow down your evaluation…do your personal inventory…and ignore your guts.”

11 Nov 2015

TVMCU Featured Image
I had mixed feelings as I watched University of Missouri President, Tim Wolfe, stand before the cameras and deliver his mild mannered mea culpa and ultimate resignation. I was glad that finally someone this high up was being made to account for an institution’s failure to listen to and take seriously the concerns of their black students. But President Wolfe’s lowered head, his measured a...
09 Nov 2015

TVMCU Featured Image
When the latest horrific act of excessive, out of control violence by a police officer against a young black girl at Spring Valley High School hit CNN and the social media loops, did you think about withdrawing from the fight, exhausted and overwhelmed by it all? Did you want to distance yourself from the pain and anger? Or did you ask yourself how you would have been able to deal with t...
23 Jul 2015

A Tribute to the Charleston 9
The Confederate flag has come down from the state capitol building in South Carolina and many people have applauded the raised consciousness, conviction and the action of South Carolinians that made it possible to topple the divisive symbol. I am concerned however about how quickly our nation will forget the innocent lives that were sacrificed for this revelation and change. The Klu K...