3 Things to Know and Do to Support Our Disabled Community | Vernā Myers

Vernā Myers

12 Aug 2022

3 Things to Know and Do to Support Our Disabled Community

Did you know that July was Disability Pride Month? Chances are that last month passed by with little to no mention in your news or social feeds. Created in 1990 to celebrate the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a law that prohibits the discrimination of disabled people in the U.S., Disability Pride Month is a July month-long holiday in the United States with limited recognition from brands and organizations. 

But why aren’t more people talking about Disability Pride Month?  It’s a question the team at Mashable asked in their July article, “It’s Disability Pride Month. So why is nobody talking about it?”  While there have been parades in major cities like Boston, NYC and San Francisco, the frequency and overall response has been fairly lackluster. There are many factors at play, but the biggest one is the overall acceptance of major brands, organizations and non-disabled community members to include people with disabilities in campaigns and community events that promote Disability Pride. 

Author, Cathy Reay, writes, “I would love to see more brands talking about disability pride and more non-disabled people mentioning it too.”

So what can you do to help promote awareness, recognition and support for employees with disabilities in your workplace all year long? Here are things to know and do right now:

#1:  Get to know the Disability Equality Index.

Created by Disability In and the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD), the Disability Equality Index (DEI) is a comprehensive benchmarking tool that gives organizations a clear insight into how inclusive their workforce really is. Be sure to check out their 2022 DEI report just released last month and website to get your organization started. 

#2: Support Project SEARCH.

Help to eliminate barriers in employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities by supporting organizations like Project SEARCH, dedicated to opening doors for individuals with disabilities in a competitive workforce. Now an international network, Project SEARCH’s mission is to “secure competitive employment for people with disabilities.” Head to their website to learn how you can support their efforts. 

#3: And finally, let’s talk about words. 

As we all know, WORDS MATTER when working to build a more inclusive workplace. This is especially true when it comes to how organizations and teams can incorporate more inclusive language around disabilities in the office. Creating common ground can build stronger connections between those with disabilities and able-bodied people. Check out these tips to follow from the team at ATD. 


Want to learn more about how you can help build a more inclusive workplace with less biases? Sign up for our Understanding Biases and Inclusivity Masterclass bundle. Now available for a special pricing of $99* through the month of August. Sign up today! 

*Limited time offer for individual learners only